Web hosting is renting storage and time on another computer far away from you.
The increased baseline demand in internet speeds and data volume allows for cheap, even free in small uses like personal websites, distribution of content online.
The barrier of technical knowledge is still unfortunately high for non-programmers: this article is not intended to address that case.
Independently written and self-owned materials are invaluable for a social internet, especially as a natural environment for sharing work involving the use of computers software.
I use and recommend OpenBSD Amsterdam. It is not the easist to administer nor particularly cheap, but is largely web-secure by default, stable in the long-term, and run by a security and open-source concious company.
GitHub Pages – needing only git knowledge to administer
A paid SourceHut account will spoil prior frustrations with debugging continuous build system.
GitHub is free, and a requirement of the open-source development status quo.
Features of lurking social media can distract from a project's purely technical dimensions, so the austere inter-directedness of email lists may be preferred for projects not seeking a broad or general developer reach.